The beginning...
The first step is often the most difficult.
This blog has been a concept for some time now. Why the delay? What it comes down to is taking the leap and just starting. Isn’t that the truth with a lot of things in life? Something new and different that induces just enough excitement to make you think it’s a great idea but just enough anxiety not to tackle. At least not today. Then a spiraling mental negotiation of “I’ll have more time when [insert reasons/excuses]”. OR “I need [insert reasons/excuses] before i can execute”.
Whoa……Yikes! Really?! Is this just me? How do i get anything started?! The answer may be that i do the “easy” stuff to make myself feel better. Do the dishes, clean the house, run errands, etc. Necessary tasks but also low hanging fruit. This can actually be helpful to get you to take the first step!
But seriously - my brain mentally and emotionally hijacked me, preventing me from taking any action. So my big idea not only turned into nothing but then another mental spiral. You can imagine how i felt later - bewildered, dejected - nothing like having some mini manic swing between great idea and you’re not good enough, right?!
The important thing to focus on is taking ANY action towards your goal and that you ARE good enough. Something i have to tell my children often - you CAN do it and keep TRYING. Progress over perfection. Not everything has to be perfect, as perfection can impede improvement and create unrealistic expectations and negativity.
Think about it. When you first started anything was it easy? Were you a pro to start? If you’re a parent you may see how your kids have struggled to do anything you completely take for granted - walking, talking, writing, brushing your teeth, for instance. How do children deal with this?
Trying, practicing, iteration - let’s keep doing it over and over.
Is it perfect? Nope! Is there crying involved? Usually. Tantrums? Yep!
Eventually you get decent at it, hopefully good, and possibly an expert. You even get to a certain point where, eventually, you don’t think about how difficult what you learned is/was and go on autopilot. You likely forgot any pain and anguish it took to develop that skill. Think brushing your teeth, driving a car, typing, so on and so forth. Why do big hairy goals (or even medium sized) have to be treated any differently?
An expert in anything does many complicated things automatically and easily without having to think about all the detail. Think pro athlete, plumber, ballet dancer or any expert in a specfic area. Jennifer Aniston doesn’t have to think about how to walk, emote, put herself in another persons shoes or act. She has perfected that skill over time and it for sure has gotten easier (although likely the goals have shifted). It doesn’t mean they ever stop growing and developing but you get the idea. They become experts because they can auto pilot on the hard stuff but also keep growing to focus on the deeper details and minutia. It’s no accident they are pros. Hard things become easier and little changes over time can be leveraged into huge growth! Whoa! Mind blown!
The worst action is inaction. Cliche? Sure. Realistic? Definitely.
Your biggest learning experiences come not only from failure but also from doing (over and over and over). Let’s call this iteration and intent. So follow through on your intent and then keep trying. Set the goal, break the goal up into simple steps, take the first small action towards the goal - rinse, wash and repeat!
For us, our goal is to provide valuable content that is helpful, personable, inspiring, funny, and uplifting. We strive to make you beautiful as a whole. Sometimes that means a nice cut and color or a relaxing facial. That could be a piece of clothing or accessory. Other times that means providing content to help you crush goals, be happier, and healthier. Inner beaty and confidnce coupled with outter beauty often leads to more confidence and positivity.
So stay tuned for more!! This is our first step. We will learn and grow as we go. We are excited to have you on the journey with us! You can expect to find hair and skin tips along with some ideas on parenting, happiness, fitness, nutrition, mental fortitude and more.
Let us know what you think! The greatest compliment we can receive is for you to tell family and friends.
What did you decide to take your first action towards today?
Stay Glamorous!